july 16–31, 2023


  • Andrés Caicedo, Liveforever, translated by Frank Wynne
  • Lisa Hsiao Chen, Activities of Daily Living
  • Carlos Castenada, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
  • Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Reputations, trans. Anne McLean


  • Casa Museo Otraparte, Medellín, Colombia
  • Cathedral Labyrinth of Thorns, Curaçao
  • Landhuis Bloemhof, Curaçao

A bunch of random things in here, mostly because I was traveling. The Caicedo novel comes from reading about the figure of Caceido in interviews with Colombian artists from the 1970s; it seems like something that would have been revelatory at the time, though it feels impossibly dated now in its vision of the emancipatory power of music and the 1960s. (Perhaps it’s interesting as a precursor to Bolaño’s writing, which might flow from the ruins of that world?) 

I’d never read Carlos Castaneda; when I met an older man who talked about how revelatory those books had been, I read the first one. I found myself wishing for something like a Norton Critical Edition of this: taken as face value – or as anthropology – this seemed ridiculous, read as a creative fiction project, it might be more interesting. I am not the ideal audience for this book! Though I would like to know why this was as influential as it was; and it seems like the sort of text that would lend itself to many wildly different readings by audiences at cross purposes with each other. I’m not sure who could put that together.

Chen’s novel on Tehching Hsieh and the problem of projects deserved more attention than I remember it receiving; it falls into the slim category of contemporary novels that I can imagine wanting to re-read.

july 1–15, 2023


  • Henry James, Daisy Miller
  • Henry James, Washington Square
  • Yukito Ayatsuji, The Decagon House Murders, translated by Ho-Ling Wong
  • Emmanuel Carrère, Yoga, trans. John Lambert
  • Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey
  • Yukito Ayatsuji, The Mill House Murders, trans. Ho-Ling Wong
  • Monique Wittig, Les Guérillères, trans. David Le Vay
  • Ursula Le Guin, Dangerous People


  • Eating Raoul, directed by Paul Bartel
  • Washington Square, dir. Agnieszka Holland


  • “Sam Francis and Japan: Emptiness Overflowing,” LACMA
  • “Women Defining Women in Contemporary Art of the Middle East and Beyond,” LACMA
  • “Afro-Atlantic Histories,” LACMA
  • “Light, Space, Surface: Selections from LACMA’s Collection,” LACMA
  • “Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa. Cantándole a las plantas,” Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín
  • “Luisebastián Sanabria. Temporada de eclipses,” Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín
  • “Nicolas Collins. Alcance largo,” Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín
  • “Débora Arango. República, 1948–1958,” Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín
  • “Versión libre. Sucesos en la Colección MAMM,” Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín
  • “Fragmentos del mundo,” Museo de Antioquia, Medellín

A lot of disconnected reading because of travel. I’d intended to re-read more Henry James, though I ended up distracted and things are a bit all over the place. I do think I’d last read Daisy Miller when I was a teenager: the idea of a teenager reading Henry James feels ludicrous, as so much of his work is clearly literature for the middle-aged. Predictably I felt antipathy for him when I was young; I can’t say that I love him now, or that I’m ever likely to love him, but I do appreciate him more now, and I think I’ll keep going on with the novellas, still procrastinating away from reading the late books.

I last read Northanger Abbey an astonishingly long time ago; on re-reading, it turned out that I remember very little accurate about it. I’d remembered it as a comedy on the perils of reading, a parody of the Mysteries of Udolpho; that’s in there, though that’s a small part of the book, and the rest was entirely unfamiliar to me, to the point where I wondered if I’d actually read it. The peril of re-reading is to realize how block-headed you were in the past.

In a similar spirit of rectification, I finally read Carrère’s Yoga, which I’d been putting off – his previous collection published in English hadn’t done very much for me, and this didn’t do much either. I did like his previous books, which always felt like they were going to drive off the rails, then straightened themselves out at the last possible moment. With the latest two, I feel like I’ve had too much of Carrère – perhaps it’s that so much of the autofiction is meta-autofiction, where the repercussions of publishing books in his life becomes the narrative (and, in the latest one, much is pointedly excluded from the book, which the reader is expected to know because Carrère is a celebrity. It feels like Carrère has exhausted his subject.

The Sam Francis show at LACMA isn’t particularly kind to him: the contemporary Japanese work that it presents as an influence on him (Gutai and otherwise) is more interesting that Francis’s work, and makes the viewer wish there were a whole show of that. 

june 16–30, 2023


  • Leonardo Sciascia, To Each His Own, translated by Adrienne Foulke
  • Robert Plunket, My Search for Warren Harding
  • Patrick Modiano, Scene of the Crime, trans. Mark Polizzotti
  • Henry James, The Aspern Papers
  • Thea Lenarduzzi, Dandelions
  • Nick Pinkerton, Goodbye, Dragon Inn
  • Rex Stout, Over My Dead Body
  • Dino Buzzati, The Stronghold, trans. Lawrence Venuti
  • Mitch Sisskind, Do Not Be a Gentleman When You Say Goodnight


  • Aprile, directed by Nanni Moretti
  • Il deserto rosso (Red Desert), dir. Michelangelo Antonioni
  • 不散 (Goodbye, Dragon Inn), dir. Tsai Ming-liang
  • They All Laughed, dir. Peter Bogdanovich
  • Daisy Miller, dir. Peter Bogdanovich

I made my way through most of Henry James’s novels a few years ago, leaving off after The Wings of the Dove, with The Ambassadors and The Golden Bowl still outstanding. I keep meaning to go back, though it’s taken a while; rewatching Rivette’s Céline and Julie Go Boating a few months ago, I found myself searching out the short stories behind that, and now I find myself going b

ack to James in general – his depictions of hapless Americans bumbling through Europe seem like they might be of consideration when so much of my life is spent around hapless Americans and Europeans bumbling through Asia – though how long I can keep up that enthusiasm is not clear to me; reading the New York Edition introduction to The Ambassadors might put anyone off of reading entirely. Lately I’ve been re-reading the shorter novels; the impetus for The Aspern Papers was Robert Plunket’s My Search for Warren Harding, a Charles Portis-y transposition of the plot of that book into Los Angeles in the early 1980s. Peter Bogdanovich’s filmed version of Daisy Miller – I hadn’t seen most of his work after Paper Moon – is almost slavishly faithful to the original, and loses something by that fidelity. They All Laughed is an odd mess, a picture of 1981 New York where everyone is listening to country music and rollerskating when they are not falling into bed with each other.

I’m glad there’s a new translation of Buzzati’s Il deserto dei Tartari; I can’t say that I care for the title – “The Tartar Steppe” is much more evocative – and I’m not sure that the translation seems to me like a marked improvement over the old one, though more versions are always better. NYRB has also reprinted Joseph Green’s translation of A Love Affair, which I don’t think I’ve read, though I might be forgetting things.

Fireflies Press’s short books on films are fantastic and beautifully produced; it took me a while to get around to reading Nick Pinkerton’s book on Goodbye, Dragon Inn, though it was worth the wait, a thoughtful consideration on the place of the theater in watching films. I should get a copy of Dennis Lim’s Tale of Cinema, which came out when I wasn’t paying attention.

june 1–15, 2023


  • Rex Stout, Too Many Cooks
  • Sabrina Orah Mark, Happily: A Personal History – with Fairy Tales
  • Italo Calvino, Mr. Palomar, translated by William Weaver
  • “Lord” George Sanger, Seventy Years a Showman
  • Movements of Thought: Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Diary, 1930–1932 and 1936–1937, edited by James C. Klagge & Alfred Nordmann
  • Jaroslav Hašek, The Man Without a Transit Pass and Other Tales, trans. Dustin Stalnaker
  • Julien Gracq, Great Liberty, trans. George MacLennan
  • Dorothy Tse, Owlish, trans. Natascha Bruce
  • Louisa Lim, Indelible City: Dispossession and Defiance in Hong Kong
  • Roberto Bolaño, The Unknown University, trans. Laura Healy
  • Roberto Bolaño, The Romantic Dogs, trans. Laura Healy
  • Italo Calvino, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler, trans. William Weaver
  • Rex Stout, Some Buried Caesar
  • Leonardo Sciascia, Candido, or A Dream Dreamed in Sicily, trans. Adrienne Foulke


  • A New Leaf, directed by Elaine May
  • Jackals & Fireflies, dir. Charlie Kaufman
  • 青少年哪吒 (Rebels of the Neon God), dir. Tsai Ming-liang
  • Portrait of Jason, dir. Shirley Clarke
  • Il colibri (The Hummingbird), dir. Francesca Archibugi
  • L’immensità, dir. Emanuele Crialese
  • バトル・ロワイアル (Battle Royale), dir. Kinji Fukasaku
  • Bianca, dir. Nanni Morretti
  • La messa è finita, dir. Nanni Moretti

may 16–31, 2023


  • Rex Stout, Fer-de-lance
  • Rex Stout, The League of Frightened Men
  • Aldous Huxley, After Many a Summer Dies the Swan
  • Natalia Ginzburg, Happiness, as Such, translated by Minna Zallman Proctor
  • Pierre Albert-Birot, The First Book of Grabinoulor, trans. Barbara Wright
  • Natalia Ginzburg, Voices in the Evening, trans. D. M. Low
  • William Shakespeare, Macbeth
  • Xi Chuan, Bloom, and Other Poems, trans. Lucas Klein
  • Rex Stout, The Rubber Band
  • Rex Stout, The Red Box
  • Giacomo Leopardi, Selected Poems, trans. Anne Paolucci & Thomas G. Bergin


  • …طعم گيلاس (Taste of Cherry), directed by Abbas Kiarostami
  • The Wrong Guy, dir. David Steinberg
  • Porte aperte (Open Doors), dir. Gianni Amelio
  • The Tragedy of Macbeth, dir. Joel Coen
  • Ecce bombo, dir. Nanni Moretti
  • Sogni d’oro (Sweet Dreams), dir. Nanni Moretti

may 1–15, 2023


  • Charles Dickens, Pictures from Italy
  • David Foster Wallace, A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again: Essays and Arguments
  • George Schuyler, Black Empire
  • Pier Paolo Pasolini: Writing on Burning Paper, edited by Giovanni Marchini Camia & Annabel Brady-Brown
  • Pier Paolo Pasolini, Poet of Ashes, translated by Stephen Sartarelli
  • Natalia Ginzburg, The Road to the City, trans. Frances Frenaye
  • Natalia Ginzburg, The Dry Heart, trans. Frances Frenaye
  • Leonardo Sciascia, Open Doors, trans. Marie Evans
  • Leonardo Sciascia, Death and the Knight, trans. Joseph Farrell
  • Natalia Ginzburg, Valentino and Sagittarius, trans. Avril Bardoni
  • Natalia Ginzburg, Family and Borghesia, trans. Beryl Stockman
  • Leonard Sciascia, A Straightforward Tale, trans. Joseph Farrell
  • Leonardo Sciascia, 1912 + 1, trans. Sacha Rabinovitch
  • Aldous Huxley, Mortal Coils
  • Kirmen Uribe, Bilbao–New York–Bilbao, trans. Elizabeth Macklin


  • Judex, directed by Louis Feuillade
  • Judex, dir. Georges Franju
  • Whoever Says the Truth Shall Die, dir. Philo Bregstein
  • Retour à Séoul (Return to Seoul), dir. Davy Chou
  • Two Weeks in Another Town, dir. Vincente Minnelli
  • Pickup on South Street, dir. Samuel Fuller

april 16–30, 2023


  • Michalis Pichler, Publishing Publishing Manifestos
  • Amr Ezzat, How to Remember Your Dreams, translated by Jennifer Peterson
  • Marius Kociejowski, The Serpent Coiled in Naples
  • Matt Ruff, The Destroyer of Worlds
  • Emilio Fantin, Luigi Negro, Giancarlo Norese, Cesare Pietroiusti & Luigi Presicce, Besides, It’s Always The Others Who Die, trans. Steve Piccolo


  • Les Vampires, directed by Louis Feuillade
  • Tár, dir. Todd Field


  • “Rirkrit Tiravanija: We Don’t Recognise What We Don’t See,” STPI

april 1–15, 2023


  • Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  • Viet Thanh Nguyen, The Committed
  • Josephine Tey, To Love and Be Wise
  • Josephine Tey, The Singing Sands
  • Philip K. Dick, We Can Build You
  • Donald Shambroom, Duchamp’s Last Day
  • Werner Herzog, The Twilight World, translated by Michael Hofmann
  • Raymond Chandler, The Simple Art of Murder
  • Martin Riker, The Guest Lecture
  • Wong May, A Bad Girl’s Book of Animals


  • EO, directed by Jerzy Skolimowski

march 16–31, 2023


  • Josephine Tey, The Franchise Affair
  • Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles
  • William Shakespeare, King Lear
  • Josephine Tey, Miss Pym Disposes
  • Josephine Tey, Brat Farrer
  • Mary Gaitskill, Bad Behavior: Stories
  • Iris Origo, War in Val d’Orcia: An Italian War Diary 1943–1944
  • Martin Amis, The Rachel Papers
  • Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine
  • Franz Kafka, The Sons, translated by Edwin Muir, Willa Muir, Ernst Kaiser, Eithne Wilkins & Arthur S. Wensinger
  • Josephine Tey, The Daughter of Time


  • Salomé, directed by Charles Bryant


  • “Forecast Form: Art in the Caribbean Diaspora, 1990s–Today”, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago
  • “Interiors,” MCA Chicago
  • “Enter the Mirror,” MCA Chicago
  • “Duane Linklater: mymothersside”, MCA Chicago
  • “Pop-Up Books through the Ages,” Newberry Library, Chicago
  • “Surviving the Long Wars: Residues and Rebellions,” Newberry Library
  • “Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color,” Metropolitan Museum, New York
  • “Lives of the Gods: Divinity in Maya Art,” Met
  • “Marcus Behmer,” Galerie Buchholz, New York
  • “Barnett Newman,” Craig F. Starr
  • “Miyoko Ito,” Matthew Marks Gallery
  • “Gerhard Richter,” David Zwirner
  • “Gordon Matta-Clark & Pope.L: Impossible Failures,” 52 Walker
  • La Monte Young, Marian Zazeela, Jung Hee Choi: Dream House
  • “Craft & Conceptual Art: Reshaping the Legacy of Artists’ Books,” Center for Book Arts
  • “Nancy Spero: Woman as Protagonist,” Galerie Lelong
  • “Hermann Nitsch: Selected Paintings, Actions, Relics, and Musical Scores, 1962–2020,” Pace
  • “Kenneth Noland: Stripes/Plaids/Shapes,” Pace
  • “Victor Pasmore: The Final Decades,” Marlborough
  • “Red Grooms: Ninth Street Women Meet the Irascibles,” Marlborough
  • “Nicole Eisenman: Prince,” Print Center New York
  • “Buck Ellison: Little Brother,” Luhring Augustine
  • “Brígida Baltar (1959–2022): To Make the World a Shelter,” Nara Roesler
  • “Tauba Auerbach: Free Will,” Paula Cooper Gallery
  • “Beyond the Light: Identity and Place in Nineteenth-Century Danish Art,” Met

march 1–15, 2023


  • Ivy Compton-Burnett, Men and Wives
  • Ivy Compton-Burnett, More Women than Men
  • John Gunther, Death Be Not Proud
  • Josephine Tey, The Man in the Queue
  • Josephine Tey, A Shilling for Candles
  • Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Mexican Gothic
  • Saul Bellow, Seize the Day
  • R. B. Russell, Fifty Forgotten Books


  • Hopscotch, directed by Ronald Neame


  • “Meret Oppenheim: My Exhibition,” MOMA, New York
  • “Kwame Brathwaite: Things Well Worth Waiting For,” Art Institute of Chicago
  • “Lygia Pape: Tecelares,” Art Institute of Chicago
  • “Deborah Simon: Embroidered Morphologies,” International Museum of Surgical Science, Chicago