(Giuseppe Ungaretti, filmed by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1963 in Comizi d’amore.)
(Giuseppe Ungaretti, filmed by Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1963 in Comizi d’amore.)
(Kathleen Gilje, Self-Portrait Decapitating a Rooster as Artemisia Gentileschi’s Judith and Holofernes, 2012, on view at the Bruce Museum.)
(Anna Atkins, Carix (America), ca. 1850, George Eastman House.)
(Mask of Ḱumugwe′ (Chief of the Undersea), ca. 1900, attributed to Bob Harris (Xi′xa′niyus), Kwakiutl, Vancouver Island, National Museum of the American Indian.)
(Letter from Pablo Picasso to Gertrude Stein, from Room 26 Cabinet of Curiosities.)
(Head of Aphrodite with cross carved in it; 1st century, Parian marble, found near the Tower of the Winds, in the Roman Agora in Athens. Usually in the National Archeological Museum in Athens; currently at the Onassis Cultural Center as part of “Transition to Christianity: Art of Late Antiquity, 3rd–7th Century A.D.”.)