freud’s got nothing on tutuola

“Having looked at them without talking to them, he took his eyes away but he directed them to the one who rushed out from my skull in the form of thick grey smoke and sat one one of the chairs. then he said loudly: ‘Yes, Mr “Memory”, what are your accusations against Mr First “Mind”?’ Then when the thick grey figure which was my ‘memory’ stood up, he first bowed for the deceptive judge which was my ‘kidney’ and he explained to him with a sad voice: ‘Yes, Judge “Kidney”, my accusations against Mr First “Mind” are that when we were with our Possessor,’ my ‘memory’ called me their possessor, ‘as his partners and advisers, while he went and returned safely on his two dangerous journeys, Mr First “Mind” misled our Possessor several times, which nearly ran our Possessor to death. But if I were not with him, and also Mr Second “Mind”, our Possessor would have perished in the wild jungles or when he and his wife were sacrificed to the god of the river. So for this reason, Mr First “Mind” must be severely punished even to death!’ Thus Mr ‘Memory’ explained to the deceptive Judge ‘Kidney’ and then he bowed and sat back.”

(Amos Tutuola, The Witch-Herbalist of the Remote Town (1981), p. 199)

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